An Asheville Artventure September 8-14, 2018
Here are ALL the Details you've been waiting for!
Kick off your week of Artventures with Asheville's RAD (River Arts District) 2nd Saturday Events. RAD comes ALIVE with artist demos, open studios, special events, music, yummy eats, and SO MUCH ART! RAD is a thriving artist community home to hundreds of artists working in refurbished historic warehouses turned studios, cafes, craft breweries, and eateries.
At my heART Space Studio, I am beyond excited to invite you to meet my guest artist for the week, THE Crafty Diva herself, Michelle Spaulding.
From 10am to 2pm, Michelle will demo her art and her creative processes for creating colorful, fun fiber art that fills your heart & soul. Michelle's specialty is teaching people of all ages to use arts and crafts as a portal to self- care and healing. Michelle is a certified Dream Coach, Fabric Artist, Teacher, Writer, & Storyteller. Michelle will inspire YOU with her ART and heART!
***Keep reading for your chance to SIGN UP to spend the day CREATING and learning from Michelle by participating in ONE or ALL of her Fiber Workshops during Color Your World Week!***
On 2nd Saturday, My heART Space Studio will be jam packed with even MORE colorful Art for you to ENJOY and to take home! With the launch of my NEWest "ZING" Collections - Just Bee YOU and Color Your World - happy totes, pillows, accessories, and more, all created with my Original Whimsical Art Work and a whole NEW LOOK will be Available for purchase for the first time too!
In addition, a LIMITED Collection of Hand-painted, Original Clothing Designs and Styles will be Available on my Artwear line, Clothes Encounters Clothing. Colorful, Creative, and Comfy clothing for women of ALL shapes and sizes will celebrate the COLOR YOUR WORLD message too!
...and if that's not enough! FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER..... I have designed and created and am LAUNCHING a Collection of tees, totes, & mugs to Celebrate the excitement and energy that lives in Asheville's RIVER ARTS DISTRICT known as RAD! If you're MAD for RAD you will love what we've designed! NOW you'll be able to SHOW you're a RAD FAN whether you're an artist here, a local, or a visitor!
Stephanie Jone's Studio down the hall at #211 will be OPEN for visitors too that day! Her whimsical illustrations of alphabets, animals, mandalas and more are featured on wall art, cards and books and will be available for purchase too!
***Keep reading for your chance to SIGN UP for her Exclusive Drawing for JOY workshop on Tuesday or Thursday during Color Your World Week***
11am to 3pm at heArt Space Studio
This workshop is the PERFECT step to Freeing your Creative Spirit in a fun and supported way. Design & embellish your own Soulicious Spirit Flag. Choose from an array of fun, colorful, fiber materials ALL PROVIDED just for you to SPARK your creative juices. Michelle will assist you using her freestyle/no rules style of crafting led by intuition and improvisation.
TWO more days FULL of Fiberlicious Workshops to choose from!
11am to 3pm at heART Space Studio
YOUR CHOICE: Weave, Knit, Crochet or FREEform. A chance to tap into your inner heARTIST and see what SHE wants to create.
Michelle will teach you her fun and fast techniques to create your own art to wear garment or fun wall hanging.
Absolutely NO Crafting Experience is Necessary to participate!
(I promise!)
- All Crafty Diva Workshops are Limited to 6 participants each day to
ensure intimacy of instruction and care.
- All Crafty Diva Workshops take place at So Totally Sue's heART
Space Studio #225 in Riverview Station, 191 Lyman St. Asheville
- All supplies are Provided.
- Refreshments & Snacks will be provided
- Each participant receives a SWAG bag of Souliciousness lovingly
prepared just for you!
- Not included: Lunch - totally flexible schedule to enjoy on your own
when you are ready for a break.
CRAFTY DIVA WORKSHOP Creative Investment
*Sign up for ANY ONE DAY Workshop for $250
After your payment is received we will email you to find out which days you choose to attend; Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.
*Sign up for TWO DAYS of Workshops for $500
After your payment is received we will email you to find out which days you choose to attend; Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.
*Sign up for ALL THREE Crafty DIVA Workshops and receive a DISCOUNT! 3 DAY SPECIAL PRICE OF $675 (Regularly $750)
To HOLD your space 1/2 of your TOTAL is due NOW and the FINAL PAYMENT is due no later than Saturday, August 25th.
Since Space for each workshop is Limited to 6 people and we know this will definitely SELL OUT, we regret that NO CANCELLATIONS or REFUNDS can be given after Saturday, August 25th.
Go to the bottom of this page
Have any more questions? Please feel free to email me @ sototallysue@gmail.com. I am so happy to help!
Stephanie is not only an illustrator/artist, and teacher but also channels her creative energy into being a community change agent as a fellow for ART FOR LIFE, a program that teaches art to children as a part of their healing process. Stephanie is currently charged with developing a pilot art program in the adult oncology unit at Mission Hospital. Encouraging JOY, kindness, and compassion through her art and service, Stephanie came to Asheville following Hurricane Sandy's devastation to her community in Connecticut. Stephanie's Best Selling Book, Drawing For JOY was inspired by her need for making art as MEDITATION and an EXPRESSION of JOY.
In this workshop, Stephanie's calming presence will guide you through her drawing process of making art from a meditative point of view by showing up every day.
All the Details you Need to SIGN UP for the Drawing for Joy Workshop with Stephanie
-All Stephanie's workshops are limited to 6 participants at each block to ensure intimacy of instruction and care.
-All Drawing for JOY workshops will take place in Stephanie's studio #211 in Riverview Station, 191 Lyman, Asheville (right down the hall from heART Space studio)
-All Supplies are Provided
-Refreshments & Snacks will be provided
-Each participant will receive Stephanie's book, Drawing for JOY - 15 minute Daily Meditations to Cultivate Drawing Skill and Unwind with Color - as a FREE GIFT for participating in the Workshop and YES she's happy to personally sign it for you!
Choose From:
Tuesday, September 11th from 9:30 am to NOON OR
Thursday, September 13th from 4pm to 6:30pm
DRAWING FOR JOY Creative Investment
*Each 2-1/2 hour workshop is $90.
*Payment in FULL for Drawing for JOY Workshops are due at time of
*We regret that no Cancellations or Refunds are available after signing
up for this workshop.
CLICK HERE NOW to reserve your SPOT to Experience creating alongside Stephanie and begin Drawing for JOY!
Have questions about the Drawing for Joy Workshop? Feel free to Contact Stephanie at: peetyjones@icloud.com.
Asheville is one of the TOP Art Destinations in the Country so in between enjoying your own Creative time you can time to ExPLORE all this super Fun, city has to offer! There is always so much going on. Perhaps you'll take in the Chihuly Glass exhibit at the Biltmore house, or enjoy a cocktail at sunset at the Historic Grove Park INN. Downtown Asheville with it's hip and artsy vibe is filled with boutiques and yummy restaurants to explore. And taking a hike on the Blue Ridge Parkway is just a skip away. Oh, and one of my favorite art shows in the area ever is on Saturday, September 15th in Weaverville just an easy 15 min. drive away! What a perfect finale to a week filled with Color and Creativity! You can tell how much I love it here and I know you will too! Asheville is a FUN, friendly, and a FESTivE place to visit!
A Personal Note
If you can't tell by now I am just over the moon excited for Color YOUR World Week and every single thing we have planned for you to experience! I believe that when women come together with an intention to CREATE and CONNECT on a conscious level that we have the POWER to not only transform ourselves but the WORLD.
I can't wait for you to JOIN me, Michelle, and Stephanie to add a lot more COLOR TO OUR WORLD!
Questions? Please email me at sototallysue@gmail.com

Color Your World - Payment Options
Crafty Diva Workshop
One Day
One Participant
Pay in Full $250

Crafty Diva Workshop
Two Day
One Participant
Pay in Full $500

Crafty Diva Workshop
All Three Days
One Participant
Special Price
Pay in Full $675